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Last Ride of the Valkyries
€ 90,00
The Rise and Fall of the Wehrmachthelferinnenkorps During WWII
Kategorien: Uniformen, Ausrüstung, Auszeichnungen und Sammlerkataloge, Zweiter Weltkrieg Schlagwörter: Deutschland, Frauen, Nationalsozialismus, Wehrmacht
LTC (Retired) POOL Jimmy L. Last Ride of the Valkyries: The Rise and Fall of the Wehrmachthelferinnenkorps During WWII
Englisch, 304 Seiten, 850 s/w- und Farbabbildungen, Register, gebunden mit Schutzumschlag
This is the first major work in the English language devoted entirely to the uniforms, insignia, and history of the female auxiliaries that served in the German armed forces during WWII. Using wartime photographs and references, along with contemporary sources and examples the author presents an in-depth look at the contributions of female auxiliaries to Germany’s war effort. Interrogations of German prisoners who were familiar with the evolution of the Wehrmachthelferinnenkorps, served as the foundation for this work, presenting a unique perspective on the subject.
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1080 Wien
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email: buchhandlung.stoehr@chello.at
Firmenbuch: FN 175372a UID: ATU45657301