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Arab MiGs. Volume 2
€ 35,95 € 25,00
Supersonic Fighters: 1958–1967
Kategorien: Buchshop, Harpia Publishing, Luftwaffe, Militärgeschichte von 1945 bis Heute Schlagwörter: Ägypten, Algerien, Arabien, arabisch, Irak, Luftstreitkräfte, Luftwaffe, Naher Osten, Syrien
COOPER Tom, NICOLLE David: Arab MiGs. Volume 2. Supersonic Fighters: 1958–1967
Englisch, 256 Seiten, 207 s/w- und 27 Farbabbildungen, 2 Karten, 31 Farbzeichnungen, broschürt
Largely based on original, previously unavailable documentation from official archives, as well as interviews with participants and eyewitnesses, the second volume in this series is an unprecedented study of the developments of the Egyptian, Iraqi, Syrian, Algerian, Lebanese and Jordanian air forces during the late 1950s and 1960s.
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