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An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms of World War I
€ 32,00
An expert guide to the uniforms of Britain, France, Russia, America, Germany and Austria-Hungary with additional detail on the armies of Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Serbia, the Ottomans, Japan and others
Kategorien: Buchshop, Erster Weltkrieg, Uniformen, Ausrüstung, Auszeichnungen und Sammlerkataloge Schlagwörter: Ausrüstung, Bewaffnung, Erster Weltkrieg, Großbritannien, Italien, Österreich-Ungarn, Portugal, Russland, Serbien, Uniform
NORTH Jonathan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms of World War I. An expert guide to the uniforms of Britain, France, Russia, America, Germany and Austria-Hungary with additional detail on the armies of Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Serbia, the Ottomans, Japan and others
Englisch, 256 Seiten, über 700 Abbildungen, Karten, Tabellen, Glossar, Register, gebunden mit Schutzumschlag, Großformat
The war of 1914-1918 was a military, political and social disaster. No other war changed the map of Europe so drastically, and more than 15 million people were killed. The dramatic political and social changes of the period were mirrored in the uniforms of the armed forces, and the contrast between pre-war Europe and 1919 could not be more apparent. This unique illustrated book charts the developments in military uniform in fascinating detail: how the reds and blues of 1900 soldiers gave way to the less conspicuous browns, greys and greens. It also tracks the evolution of hardware and ammunition. Evocative photographs of the struggle and stunning illustrations of the uniforms show in detail the changes, reforms and modifications of all the major powers, Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary. This unprecedented volume is an incredible visual study of the uniforms of a pivotal period of military history, and of its context.
Biographical Note:
Jonathan North is a military historian and editor specializing in Napoleonic warfare, eastern European history and the Great War. He has written, translated, contributed to and edited many publications on aspects of military history and the impact of warfare on society.
Consultant Jeremy Black MBE is the most active representative of British academic history in his field. His body of over 150 published works adds up to the most sustained presentation of British history in recent decades.
Weitere Produkte
Buchhandlung Stöhr GmbH
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1080 Wien
email: buchhandlung.stoehr@chello.at
Firmenbuch: FN 175372a UID: ATU45657301
email: buchhandlung.stoehr@chello.at
Firmenbuch: FN 175372a UID: ATU45657301